[Event "MŚJ U16"]
[Site "Oropesa del Mar"]
[Date "1998.10.31"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Dembo, Yelena"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B23"]
[WhiteElo "2130"]
[BlackElo "2165"]
[PlyCount "59"]
{Komentarz: Agnieszka Matras-Clement (2020). This is one of the games that I will always remember. Old one from my early days playing chess. I participated in the World Championships for the first time, section "Girls under 16" with a pretty good result: I finished 8th. Also this game was quoted in a chess book later (also for the
first time). My opponent Yelena Dembo from Greece is now an IM (International
Master).} 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 {Grand Prix attack - my favourite
weapon aganist Sicilian Defence at that time.} g6 {The most flexible answer.
If Black immediately plays for example ...d6, white doesn't have to worry
about the e6-d5 pawn attack and can develop the bishop to c4 with a strong
attack possible (see game Matras-Flaata):} (3... d6 4. Nf3 g6 5. Bc4 Bg7 6. O-O
e6 7. d3 Nge7 8. Qe1 O-O 9. f5 $5 exf5 $6 10. Qh4 a6 $6 11. Bh6 b5 12. Bb3 Nd4
$2 13. Ng5 (13. Bg5 $1 $18) 13... Nxb3 14. Bxg7 Kxg7 15. Qxh7+ Kf6 {Critical Position [#]} 16. e5+ $3 Kxg5 (16... dxe5 17. Nce4#) (16... Kxe5 17. Qg7+) 17. h4+ Kg4 18. Qh6 Ng8 19. Rf4+ Kg3 {1-0 Agnieszka Matras (2218) - Alexander Flaata (2097) Bergen, 2001.}) 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bb5 ({if} 5. Bc4 {then black will play} e6 {and then ...Nge7 with a plan ...d5. }) 5... a6 $6 {A waste of time - white was happy to trade the bishop for the knight anyway.} (5... Nd4) (5... e6) 6. Bxc6 bxc6 7. O-O Nf6 8. d3 O-O 9.
f5 $5 {White wants to open the c1-h6 diagonal and the f-file immediately and
create an attack on the black king.} (9. Qe1 d6 10. Qh4 {and then f5 is an
option as well.}) 9... d5 10. fxg6 fxg6 11. Qe1 {With a plan Qh4.} Qc7 12. Bg5
dxe4 $6 {This weakens Black's pawn structure.} ({Counterplay on the queenside
like} 12... Rb8 {was better for black} 13. Rb1 c4 $132) 13. Nxe4 Qb6 (
13... Nxe4 $6 14. Qxe4 Bxb2 15. Rab1 Bg7 16. Qc4+ (16. Bxe7 $14) 16... e6 17.
Be3 $14) (13... Ng4 $1 14. Qh4 (14. h3 $4 Rxf3 $1 15. Rxf3 $140 Qh2+ 16. Kf1
Qh1+ 17. Ke2 Qxg2+ 18. Rf2 Nxf2 19. Qxf2 Qxh3 $19) 14... h6 15. Bd2 c4 $132 {
and the postion is not so clear.}) 14. Rb1 Nd5 15. Kh1 Bf5 16. Qh4 $14 {
white is slowly building the attack on the kingside} Ra7 17. Bh6 e6 18. c4 Bxh6
19. Qxh6 Nb4 20. Nfg5 (20. Ne5 $14 {was probably stronger. White keeps
control over the centre and has active pieces which are attacking the
opponent's weak pawns and squares.}) 20... Re7 (20... Nxd3 $5 21. Nxe6 Rff7 22.
N4g5 $40) 21. g4 Bxe4+ 22. Nxe4 Ref7 23. Rxf7 Rxf7 24. Ng5 {Critical Position [#]} Re7 $4 (24... Qd8 $3 {We both missed this counterplay. Black can still get a draw by sacrificing the rook on f7:} 25. Nxf7 (25. Rd1 $2
Qf6 $1 $19) 25... Qxd3 26. Re1 Qf3+ 27. Kg1 Qxg4+ 28. Kf1 Qf3+ 29. Kg1 Qg4+ $11
) 25. Rf1 $18 Qd8 26. Ne4 Nxd3 27. Nf6+ Kh8 28. Nd7 Re8 29. Rf7 Nf2+ 30. Kg2 1-0
[Event "MŚJ U16"]
[Site "Oropesa del Mar"]
[Date "1998.10.27"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Jurkiewicz, Katarzyna"]
[Black "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C35"]
[WhiteElo "2185"]
[BlackElo "2130"]
[PlyCount "48"]
{Komentarz: Agnieszka Matras-Clement (2020). Bang! Bang! Ka-BOOM!! Boom! Ka-BOOM!! Bang! Boom! Ka-BOOM!! This looks like a WWII bombing raid but it's just World Under 16 girls going at it in a ruthless
King's Gambit Accepted. Black promptly accepts two pawns, yet manages rapid
piece development. White sacrifices the light-squared Bishop on move six to
avoid the center pawn fork trick, and the fight is ON. Black sacrifices the
exchange to demolish a crucial central defender. Suddenly Black delivers four
pieces on White's fourth rank by the 20th move!?! What a bombastic smashing!!} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 Be7 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nxe4 6. Bxf7+ Kxf7 7. Nxe4 Nc6 8. d4 d5 9. Nc3 Bg4 10. Kf1 Rf8 11. g3 Bh3+ 12. Kf2 Bf6 13. Ne2 (13. Bxf4 Kg8) 13... Kg8 14. gxf4 Bg4 15. Be3 Qe7 16. Ng3 Rae8 17. Re1 Qb4 18. Rb1 {[#]} Rxe3 $1 19. Kxe3 (19. Rxe3 Bxd4 20. c3 Bxe3+ 21. Kxe3 Qxf4+ $19) 19... Bxd4+ 20. Kd3 Rxf4 21. c3 Qc4+ 22.
Kd2 Rxf3 23. Re8+ Kf7 24. Qe1 Bxc3+ 0-1
[Event "Open-k"]
[Site "Wisła"]
[Date "1995.05.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Arnhold, Kerstin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C47"]
[BlackElo "2050"]
[PlyCount "51"]
{Komentarz: Agnieszka Matras-Clement (2020).}
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Bb4 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 O-O
8. O-O Qe7 9. Qf3 Ne8 10. Bf4 Bxc3 11. bxc3 Qc5 12. Bd2 Nd6 13. Qg3 Re8 14.
Rfe1 Qe5 15. Qh4 Qe7 16. Bg5 f6 17. Bd2 Nf7 18. f4 $36 h6 19. Qh5 d6 20. Re3 $1
Nh8 21. Rg3 Be6 (21... Kf8 22. f5 (22. Rf1 Qf7 23. Qa5 Ng6 24. Be3 a6 25. e5
dxe5 (25... Nh4 26. exf6 Qxf6 27. Bd4) 26. Bxg6) 22... Bd7 (22... Qf7 23. Qh4
Bd7 24. Bxh6 gxh6 25. Qxh6+ Ke7 26. Rg7 $18) 23. Bxh6 gxh6 24. Qxh6+ Kf7 25.
Qg7#) (21... Kh7 22. e5+ f5 23. exd6 cxd6 24. Re3 $1 (24. Re1 Qf7 25. Qxf7
Rxe1+ 26. Bxe1 Nxf7) 24... Qf7 (24... Be6 25. Bxf5+) 25. Qxf7 Nxf7 26. Rxe8 $18
) 22. f5 Bf7 23. Qxh6 g5 (23... Ng6 24. Rxg6 Bxg6 25. Qxg6) 24. Rh3 Bxa2 25.
Qxh8+ Kf7 26. Rh7# 1-0
[Event "Open-k"]
[Site "Wisła"]
[Date "1995.05.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Painta, Monika"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C41"]
[PlyCount "59"]
{Komentarz: Agnieszka Matras-Clement (2020).}
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 d6 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Be2 g6 7. Be3 Bg7 8.
O-O O-O 9. Kh1 Re8 10. f3 Bd7 (10... d5 $40) 11. Qe1 Qe7 12. Rd1 a6 13. Bg5 Qe5
$6 14. f4 $1 Qc5 (14... Qe7 15. Qh4 h6 16. Nd5 Qd8 17. Nxf6+ Bxf6 18. Bxf6 Qc8
19. Qxh6 Nxd4 20. Qg7#) (14... Qa5 15. Nb3) 15. Nb3 Qb6 (15... Qa7 16. e5 dxe5
(16... Ng4 17. Nd5 Rac8 18. Qg3 $16) 17. Bxf6 Bxf6 18. Rxd7 $18) (15... Qb4 16.
Bxf6 Bxf6 17. Nd5 Qxe1 18. Nxf6+ Kg7 19. Nxe8+ Rxe8 20. Rfxe1 $18) 16. Bxf6
Bxf6 17. Nd5 Qa7 18. Nxf6+ Kg7 19. Nxe8+ (19. Nxd7 Rad8 20. Qc3+ Kg8 21. Nf6+
Kf8 22. Nxh7+ Ke7 23. Qf6+ Kd7 24. Bg4+ Re6 25. Qxf7+ Ne7 26. Qxe6+ $18) 19...
Rxe8 20. Qc3+ Kg8 21. Bf3 Be6 22. h3 Qb8 23. Nd4 Nd8 24. Nxe6 Nxe6 25. f5 Nf4
26. Rde1 Qd8 27. Bg4 Nh5 28. Bxh5 gxh5 29. f6 Kf8 30. Qg3 1-0
[Event "MPJ U16"]
[Site "Krynica Morska"]
[Date "1998.01.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Wartecka, Angelika"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D26"]
[WhiteElo "2075"]
[PlyCount "37"]
{Komentarz: Agnieszka Matras-Clement (2020).}
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. c4 dxc4 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Bxc4 e6 7. Nf3 Bd7 8.
O-O Bc6 9. Bg5 Be7 10. Bxf6 $1 Bxf6 11. d5 $1 exd5 12. Re1+ Kf8 (12... Be7 13.
Nxd5 Bxd5 14. Bxd5 Nc6 15. Bxc6+ bxc6 16. Qe2 Rb8 17. Ne5 Rb6 18. Rad1 Qc7 19.
Nd7 $18) 13. Nxd5 Bxb2 $2 (13... Bxd5 14. Bxd5 Nc6 15. Bxc6 Qxd1 16. Raxd1 bxc6
17. Rd7 $16) 14. Qb3 $3 Bf6 (14... Bxa1 15. Qa3+ Kg8 16. Ne7+ Kf8 17. Ng6+ Kg8
18. Ng5 Qxg5 (18... Bd5 19. Bxd5 hxg6 20. Bxf7#) 19. Qf8#) (14... Bxd5 15. Rad1
Nc6 16. Rxd5 Qc8 17. Qxb2 $18) 15. Qa3+ Kg8 16. Ne7+ Bxe7 17. Rxe7 h6 18. Bxf7+
Kh7 19. Ng5+ 1-0
[Event "DMPJ I liga"]
[Site "Rowy"]
[Date "1998.08.22"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Majchrzak, Magdalena"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B23"]
[WhiteElo "2130"]
[PlyCount "37"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 d6 4. Nf3 g6 5. Bc4 Bg7 6. O-O e6 7. d3 Nge7 8. Qe1
O-O 9. f5 exf5 10. Qh4 Ne5 11. Bg5 N5c6 12. Nd5 Re8 13. Nf6+ Bxf6 14. Bxf6 h5
15. Qg5 Kh7 16. Bxf7 Rg8 17. Bxg8+ Kxg8 18. Nh4 Qe8 19. exf5 1-0
[Event "MŚJ U20"]
[Site "Erywań"]
[Date "1999.09.29"]
[Round "12"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Hersvik, Anita"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C45"]
[WhiteElo "2146"]
[PlyCount "43"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. d4 exd4 5. Nxd4 Nxd4 6. Qxd4 d6 7. Bg5 Be7 8.
Bc4 O-O 9. O-O Re8 10. Rfe1 c6 11. Rad1 b5 12. e5 dxe5 13. Qxe5 Bd7 14. Bd3 h6
15. Bh4 Qb6 16. Ne4 Nxe4 17. Qxe4 f5 18. Qf4 g5 19. Qg3 c5 20. Qf3 g4 21. Qd5+
Kf8 22. Bxe7+ 1-0
[Event "MP-k półfinał"]
[Site "Polańczyk"]
[Date "2000.11.08"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Black "Smolak, Ewa"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C29"]
[WhiteElo "2212"]
[PlyCount "43"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. f4 d5 4. fxe5 Nxe4 5. Nf3 Be7 6. Qe2 Ng5 7. d4 Nxf3+ 8.
Qxf3 c6 9. Bd3 Qb6 10. O-O Qxd4+ 11. Be3 Qxe5 12. Qxf7+ Kd8 13. Rae1 Be6 14.
Qf2 Qd6 15. Bf4 Qd7 16. Qe2 Bc5+ 17. Kh1 Bg4 18. Qe5 Re8 19. Bg5+ Be7 20. Rf7
Bxg5 21. Rxd7+ Bxd7 22. Qxg5+ 1-0
[Event "MPJ U20"]
[Site "Brzeg Dolny"]
[Date "2001.02.11"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Szczepkowska, Karina"]
[Black "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C29"]
[WhiteElo "2140"]
[BlackElo "2235"]
[PlyCount "32"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. f4 d5 4. fxe5 Nxe4 5. Nf3 Be7 6. Qe2 Nxc3 7. bxc3 O-O 8.
d4 f6 9. Bf4 fxe5 10. Bxe5 Nd7 11. c4 Bb4+ 12. Nd2 Nxe5 13. dxe5 Qh4+ 14. g3
Bxd2+ 15. Kd1 Qd4 16. Rb1 Bg4 0-1
[Event "Nordic-ch"]
[Site "Bergen"]
[Date "2001.08.07"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Metzger, Jimmy"]
[Black "Matras-Clement, Agnieszka"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A06"]
[BlackElo "2218"]
[PlyCount "42"]
1. b3 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. Bb2 Bf5 4. Nf3 e6 5. Ne5 Nbd7 6. d3 Nxe5 7. Bxe5 Bd6 8.
Bxd6 Qxd6 9. Be2 O-O-O 10. Qc1 Kb8 11. O-O h5 12. Qa3 Qc6 13. c4 h4 14. h3 g5
15. Qe7 g4 16. Qxf6 gxh3 17. g4 dxc4 18. f3 cxd3 19. Rd1 Qd6 20. Nc3 Qg3+ 21.
Kf1 h2 0-1